Everyone knows this story from childhood. However, Pinocchio's film is a new adaptation of the famous fairy tale by Carlo Collodi about a wooden boy, whose nose constantly grows every time he deceives, and at the same time he dreamed of becoming not a toy, but alive and real. The European film adaptation by Matteo Garrone is announced not as a family vivid adventure, but as a more serious fantasy.
Old man Gepetto makes a wooden doll, which magically comes to life and behaves just like a real boy, however, before turning into a human, he has a long journey ahead of him in the world of people, where he will have to learn the world around him, friendship and deception, overcome many obstacles and obstacles , visit the stomach of a giant fish and even turn into a donkey instead of a real boy. And only with a kind heart, not without the help of ingenuity and accompanying luck, it will be possible to break the evil spell and overcome all life's difficulties on the way to your own happiness.
Feel the dreamlike atmosphere in a new interpretation.
You can download and watch the movie for free here